Important Commands of Command Prompt

In this blog I'll mention some of the important commands which will be mostly used in Java:

  1. cd:

    This command is used to exit the folder

  2. E: (Drive name)

    This command is used to jump from one drive to another drive

  3. cd folderName:

    This command is used to enter inside a specific folder with this command we have to pass a folder name

  4. md/ mkdir folderName:

    This command is used to create a new folder or directory. With this command, we have to pass a new folder.

  5. dir:

    This command is used to list all the things which are present inside a current folder or drive

  6. assoc:

    This command is used to display or change the file type association with a particular file exetention

  7. copy:

    This command is used to copy one or more files from one location to another

  8. date:

    This command is used to show or change the current date

  9. del:

    This command is used to delete one or more files

  10. find:

    This command is used to search for a specified text string in one or more files

  11. find sts:

    This command is used to find text string patten in one or more files.

  12. format:

    This command is used to format a drive in file system that you specify

  13. stp:

    This command is used to transfer files to and from another computer

  14. DriverQuery:

    This command is used to show a list of all installed drivers

  15. Delete folderName:

    This command is used to delete the folder name